View the Youtube video below to learn more about moral judgments, a line of research Scott has been working on!
02/20/25: APEX Lab sees A Raisin in the Sun at the Hyde Park Court Theatre!
11/24/20: Howard, Shannon, and Pedro are
xTechBOLT semifinalists for their work in psychology and cognitive neuroscience!
11/19/20: Howard interviews Dr. Dilip Jeste on the scientific roots of wisdom. Read more about Dr. Jeste's new book
Wiser on
his website
6/23/20: A special congratulations to our graduating class of 2020—we're proud of y'all!
5/31/19: Pants presents at the 4th Annual Graduate Student Academic Research Conference!
5/16/19: John and Katie present at the Honors Day Colloquium!
4/12/19: Yena presents at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference!
4/9/19: Howard is invited to speak at the Learning and Plasticity (LaP) meeting in Äkäslompolo, Finland
5/30/18: Did you know that adults can learn perfect pitch? Read about Steve's work at the
Daily Mail
5/17/18: Luke presents at the Honors Day Colloquium!
5/15/18: Which do you hear? Howard shares his thoughts on
12/30/16: Howard discusses robust science on the APS